Growing Food & AgriTech Startups into Leaders of Change

Become a Leader of Change

StartLife is fully dedicated to support impact-driven founders to drive sustainable food systems with their game-changing technology and help realize their ambitions. We have a cohort-based program for early stage startups and a tailored program for later-stage startups. Have a look at our programs and get in touch for us to get acquainted and have your questions answered.

Become a Leader of Change

StartLife is fully dedicated to support impact-driven founders to drive sustainable food systems with their game-changing technology and help realize their ambitions. We have a cohort-based program for early stage startups and a tailored program for later-stage startups. Have a look at our programs and get in touch for us to get acquainted and have your questions answered.

StartLife Accelerate

Find answers related to product-market fit, business model and fund raising strategy!

Excellent choice for both first-time entrepreneurs and experienced entrepreneurs with limited background in the agrifood industry.

StartLife à la Carte

Expand your network, build partnerships and accelerate your growth!

Excellent choice for founders with a proven product-market fit who want to utilize the power of our global business network .

What our startup alumni have to say

Meet the global StartLife community

StartLife has a small core team, but a large and ever growing community of talented people and organizations from all over the world that support (y)our mission.

400 +
Our impact-driven game-changers
60 +
Our devoted 'yodas'
40 +
Our innovation champions