With support of StartLife and Oost NL the Grain Improvers company has settled in Wageningen. The founders of Grain Improvers have many years of experience in the  flour and baking market and have developed patented natural enzymes based grain improvers, which application is particularly relevant for flour, starch and gluten producers. Grain Improvers BV is a formal spin out that addresses an entirely new product-market combination.

In particular in countries where mills use substantial quantities of foreign wheat for grinding and less of local origin due to its lower baking properties, the use of grain improvers will increase the share of local wheat in the grinding phase while maintaining high quality baking flour. “The solution Grain Improvers offers also reduces the amount of energy need to grind flour, which contributes to a more sustainable food supply system”, explains Jouke Kardolus, startup coach at StartLife and Senior Projectmanager Agro-Food at Oost NL.

Fact-finding mission lead to settlement

Grain Improvers BV will be based in Wageningen, creating ten jobs in the long term. In Wageningen, the company becomes part of an ecosystem of innovative international food companies.

Oost NL supports the company in its further business development through StartLife. To help the company with its choice of location, Oost NL organized a fact-finding trip to get to know the region and helped Grain Improvers with some administrative tasks.

About Grain Improvers